Kevin Lester (RHI), Home Inspector for K L Home Inspections Ltd.
- Home and Commercial Inspector for over 20 years. Conducted over 6000 Home and Commercial Inspections.
- General contractor and renovator in residential construction for the past 20 years.
- Registered member of the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors (CAHPI).
- Radon Gas Measurement Technician and Mitigation Advisor
- PADI Cert Divemaster
- Graduate of the Seneca College, York Ontario Applied Sciences Faculty - Home Inspection Certificate - High Honors.
- Alberta Building Code Part Nine term 1 and 2 Graduate.
- Alberta Licenced Home Inspector #332420
- Graduate of the Carson Dunlop Weldon and Associates CDW Consulting Engineers - Commercial Building Inspection Course
- WETT Certified (Wood Energy Technology Transfer) for Wood burning Stoves, Fireplaces, Boilers, Chimneys
- IAQ(Indoor Air Quality) Advisor - Mold and Allergen testing
- NCH ( National Certified Certificate Holder ) Inspector. To become a national certificate holder, an inspector must meet rigorous professional and educational requirements. This is a recognised national designation. By hiring a NCH inspector you will have a proven professional onsite.
- Certified Level 1 NDT Infrared Camera Thermographer
- ASHI (American Society of Home Inspectors) Certified Inspector (ACI)
- Environmental Phase1 Site Assessor / AESAC member
- Aircraft inspector for 20 years.
Our office is located near Cold Lake, Alberta. Office hours are Monday - Friday 730am - 530pm . Weekends by appointment.

Contact Kevin now to book your home or commercial property inspection.