Environmental Testing
Whether your concerned about mold sensitivity, bacterial contamination, combustible dust or other hazards, we can help. By taking samples and having them analyzed we can determine the type of contaminant that could be in your work environment or equipment, building, or home. Using the most up to date tools and sampling equipment, contaminant samples like mold, asbestos, bacteria and others can be collected and then sent to the lab for analysis. Upon completion of testing, a report is generated with the results sent to you.
We can test for:
- Mold
- Allergens
- Asbestos
- Bacterial contamination
- Bed bugs
- Radon gas Canadian Government FAQ: Radon Gas

As a Radon Gas Measurement Technician and Mitigation expert, we can conduct short and long term testing of your building or home for Radon. Short term testing is typically 48 hrs to 7days. Long term testing is minimum 91 days. All homes and buildings should be tested for Radon. Studies have shown that 6% of homes in Alberta have elevated Radon and that Radon exposure is the cause of 16% of lung disease. Call us to set an appointment for Radon testing.
Contact Kevin now to schedule an appointment.